In the famous Broadway show "Gypsy" Showgirl several characters have developed unique approaches to their art that sets them apart from the other was. One, called "Electra" as I recall, is adorned with a set of flashing lights. Another, whose name I do not remember now, sports a trumpet (yes, a trumpet, it plays badly) and announced in the song that "You Gotta Have a Gimmick."
Even today, after the Western markets introduced about 25Years, there is an undercurrent of contempt for the Japanese candlestick style of financial price presentation. This is unfortunate, because the candles, the underlying psychology of the markets portray better than anything else, what has been planned. It is rather frightening to see the practitioners or other disciplines some resistance with the candles, because that the accuracy of their forecasts market would improve, especially in the very short term.
What is the candlewhat makes them so special? Are they just a gimmick, a fad? I think that's demonstrably not Sun You have an uncanny ability to spot trend reversals of large, as would happen, or happen.
There is nothing mysterious in itself. It's just a matter of personal education to take the time and little effort to learn the basics. Teaching materials are widespread, both in print and on CD's or DVD's. In addition, two of the leading figures in theSpecialty lead seminars on the subject, both in person and via the Web. It is a matter of personal preference which works better.
What are the candles anyway? It's easy. While the "old" method of presentation shows the price open, high, low and close in a line to show with small branches on the sides to open and close, expand the candles of the line to cylindrical shape. Basically, when the cylinder is hollow, that an "up" tag represents when the cylinderfilled is that a "down" day. When the candles are put to use during the trading day, either in streaming data or frequently updated data, it is easy to see the shifts in market psychology, even from minute to minute. It is quite a revelation to see this phenomenon in action.
Traders and investors that the candles would never have learned on the go "old way", because this method can be so much valuable information. Once you get the candles, the skills never leave you.It's like riding a bicycle with two wheels. If you learn how to do it, learning happens. Even if you find might not ridden a bike for years and years, when the opportunity offers, that the ability is still there. How refreshing it is to the point, if you will be called into question "past your prime" and prove that the ability has never disappeared.
If nothing else, investors should prove the candles purely as an educational and intellectual exercise to learn that your mindyoung.
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